The Last Legacy Tetralogy

  Two worlds and their respective fates, far apart in space and time yet closely connected: Earth and Phrynis, a desirable planet in the Pleiades system, and what happens on Phrynis will affect Earth in a powerful way. While the alien tales unfold, the race is on here to find the coordinates of that world - and the means to reach it.

Book ll: The Orborgon.

Pylar Fazhakian - hesikastor(35698 bytes)

2047 AD. Earth is finished. Through the Hesikastor, elderly leader of an esoteric sect based somewhere in Europe, come visions of a planet, Phrynis, and an alien human race - and the offer of safe harbor. The offer is followed by clips from the planet's past, beamed through the Hesikastor's mind. Are the aliens simply sharing this with potential heirs? Or warning them not to trash a second shot at survival?
  While the tales unfold, the race is on to get the means to find and reach that distant Eden.
left: The Hesikastor wearing the synergizer's headband.

Book 1, The Atheling, viewed in 3D holographic stream through the Hesikastor's mind, ended in chaos. At the same time, all hell breaks loose on Earth. Manfred Hengst, a ruthless and powerful magnate, takes control of any possible exodus to Phrynis. Communication is interrupted, and when resumed, a thousand years has elapsed.

In The Orborgon, focus has shifted far from Gurnyac, ancient seat of the Gnangar  kings. King has become Emperor. Gar, Torc's brother, wreaked havoc across the Known World, and his legacy of greed, cruelty and hate has continued down the ages, bringing death and betrayal even in the highest places. At the peak of this Dark Age, a woman is born in a bleak and remote far western settlement called the Fend. For years, this scorder (healer), weaver, wise woman and scribe of that community, harbors a secret which will bring about her summary execution should the Fendfolk find it out.  And this they do, at the onset of the winter that her grandchild is born and sentenced to die by the ritual snapping of the neck. She flees with it out into the winter's night - and thus begins the story of her astonishing odyssey.


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